Thursday, September 8, 2011


Good morning, afternoon, evening--whatever your time zone is, hello to you! The name is Alexandria, or Lexi for short. I'm fifteen years old (had a birthday on the eighteenth of May) and currently in my sophomore year at Whitney Young; gosh, I feel so old now. Most of my classes so far are pretty decent--except Gym because it's just...well...gym: there's not much more I can say about it.  Chemistry comes right afterwards so that class kind of makes up for it. Everything else is either mediocre or cool, but this is only the beginning of the year after all so things will most likely change either for better...or for worse.

I must confess that this isn't the first blog that I've ever done; I actually had to write one for my freshman year about "High School: Tips and Tricks", but when the year ended so did the blog. This blog, however, will probably last a lot longer than the other one.

So, what is there more to know about me? Not to toot my own horn, but I'm quite talented: I have a few things that I love to do such as sing, play the piano, draw, write, and act. I absolutely love acting and singing; the year before freshman year I actually auditioned for a preforming arts school known as ChiArts and got in, but I opted to come here instead.

Drawing is a hobby that I picked up on again recently since a couple years back I went through a phase and lost my motivation. I can't say that I draw splendidly well--all I draw are animals/mythical creatures, nature, and technology--but I guess I'm okay at what I do. It's also my way to vent when I'm feeling very strong, almost suffocating, emotions.

Writing is definitely a new hobby of mine--I started it about a year ago--and I'll say that I'm really passionate about it thus far. I mostly write short stories or ideas I get on impulse and they usually fall in the romance, fiction/realistic fiction, or fantasy categories: sometimes even science fiction if I'm feeling spontaneously inspired. I'm especially passionate when it comes to writing stories about interactions between characters of different sizes--kind of like in The Borrowers series or Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. Although writing romance is a favorite of mine too.

Playing piano is a hobby that has been with me for so long that I'm surprised I wasn't born with a baby grand attached to my little fingers! It's great to express my feelings through certain songs, but I wish I knew how to read music. So far I've learned by ear and through YouTube tutorials, but I've yet to have actual piano lessons. I'm thinking about getting a piano teacher soon...I can't make promises though: I'm extremely fickle.

Well, I hope that through this blog you've gotten to know a little bit more about me as a person and hopefully there will be more like this in the future! Until then, au revoir!



  1. Lexi i really enjoyed your introduction. The thing that caught my attention was that you mentioned that you had a previous blog that ended right away. Why is this blog any different if it's just another school year? Also, I'd like to comment on why you chose to go to Whitney Young over ChiArts if you had gotten accepted? Wouldn't you have wanted to pursue your talent? Other than that, this was a very great first impression of yourself.

  2. @Joanna Martinez

    I'm glad you liked it! I did have a previous blog for my other Literature class, but this blog seems more expressive than the last since last year's was focused on one single topic: "HS Tips and Tricks". This one, however, gives me more of a variety and a chance to display my interest of many different things.

    I chose to go to Whitney Young instead since, academically, it would make me a bit more ready for college--as well as it looks good on college applications. Also, there are options here where I can join a club that involves acting (Young Company) just in case I want to give it a look thorough look-through.
