Monday, December 5, 2011

My Red Hunting Hat

A hunting hat is a specific type of headpiece usually worn by hunters; the purpose of the article of clothing is not for a stylish appearance or for warmth. The purpose of the hat is to warn the similar hunters--predators--of one's presence and to stay hidden to the eyes of the hunted--the prey. Since animals are notably colorblind, it makes it rather hard for them to distinguish hunters.

Holden's red hunting hat was one that he bought in order to pick out the 'phonies': the fake people who try to put up this front to the public when, in reality, they're actually the opposite of what they want to be. (I find this interesting, however, as Holden is phony as well...very hypocritical.) Really, I think Holden is searching for the fakes not because he doesn't like them, but I think it's more so a matter of finding people who might be similar to him. They don't know that he's hunting them--even though his presence is in plain sight. 

If I had a red hunting hat, it would be worn to differentiate myself from the everyday citizens as I try to scope out the phonies. It would be hard for them to hunt me since I, essentially, present myself at public places the same way I do at home...sometimes I present myself a bit differently in order to appeal to the age group I'm interacting with. Both Holden and I would share the same goals, but most likely for different reasons.  


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